Waterloo Car Park Proposal – Stripe Consulting engaged by CDC

Cotswold District Council (CDC) has engaged Stripe Consulting, a leading specialist in car park structures, to help create a proposed multi-storey car park at the Waterloo site in Cirencester.

Working with the Council, experts at Stripe will produce specifications for the operational elements of the car park, providing sufficient information for an architect to create the external design.

CDC’s Cabinet Member with oversight of Cirencester parking, Cllr Mark MacKenzie-Charrington, is very pleased to have reached this stage of the project,

“This is great news and represents a major step forward.  Obviously, we still have several hurdles to overcome, including submission of an application for planning permission in Spring next year, but engaging Stripe will help us immensely.  They will be able to provide the specifications for the inner workings of the car park, and this will pave the way for the appointment of an architect for the external aspects.   We will continue to consult the public so we can address any further concerns arising and we are always keen to take on board useful suggestions.”

To find out more about Stripe Consulting please go to https://www.stripeuk.com/car-park-consultants