Network Rail are working on two sections of Railway in Frampton Mansell

Network Rail has written directly to residents in the vicinity of Frampton Mansell about work they are doing in Frampton Mansell this week; they are clearing vegetation growing too close to the line, near Hailey Farm and near the Chalford Viaduct.

Network Rail states:

We will be working each night between 10pm and 7am, excluding Fridays.Planned shifts are listed below, but please note this can change. Working overnight whilst trains aren’t running means we can help keep our teams safe.

Saturday 14 – Friday 20 May,  Six night shifts, between 10pm and 7am
Saturday 21 – Friday 27 May,  Six night shifts, between 10pm and 7am
Saturday 28 May – Friday 3 June, Six night shifts, between 10pm and 7am
Saturday 4 – Friday 10 June, Six night shifts, between 10pm and 7am

Our teams will need to use climbing equipment to safely access some areas, and will use
specialist on-track equipment, alongside chainsaws and hedge trimmers, to trim back
vegetation along the railway. This may generate some noise at times, and whilst we’ll do
everything possible to keep any unnecessary noise to a minimum, we want to apologise in
advance if we disturb you.

Network Rail Map re Vegetation Management near Hailey Farm

Network Rail Map re Vegetation Management near Chalford Viaduct