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Declarations of Acceptance of Office – 9 May 2023:

Sarah Osborn Smith – Elected Chair at Annual Parish Council Meeting 9 May 2023

Charles HouldsworthElected Vice Chair at Annual PC Meeting 9 May 2023

Sara Taylor

Daniel Janocka

Mike Cameron-Davies

Location, Dates & Times of Parish Council Meetings for 2023


Sapperton Parish is able to have seven serving Parish Councillors. As a result of the uncontested election held on 4 May 2023, four Councillors re-nominated and were returned to office for another term, on 9 May 2023.  One Councillor was co-opted back onto the Parish Council as soon after the election as permitted, as he missed the deadline for submitting his re-nomination. This means there are two vacancies at the moment which can also be filled by Co-Option. This means that any eligible person in the Parish who is interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, can put themselves forward for consideration, without the need for an election. For eligibility criteria please see the link below.

The Parish Council meets on the second Tuesday of every month except August, alternating between Sapperton and Frampton Mansell Village Halls. If you would like to support your community by becoming a Parish Councillor the following information may be helpful:

Who can be a Parish Councillor?- Eligibility Criteria

For more information, or just a chat about the role, please contact Babs Maloney, Parish Clerk, on 01285 760 276 or chat to one of the current Councillors. Their contact numbers are in the ‘Current Councillors’ list shown above.


Each local council must adopt a code of conduct that is in line with the Nolan principles which apply to the conduct of people in public life.

The Code of Conduct deals with Councillors’ obligations about their conduct including the registration and disclosure of their pecuniary interests; any interest which might influence their decision making in relation to any particular issue or topic (see below).


Parish and Town Councillors must complete a ‘register of members’ pecuniary interests’ form.  This is a requirement of the code of conduct. Councillors must declare any personal or business interests that might influence their opinion and affect the decision making of the Parish Council.

Cotswold District Council holds the REGISTER OF INTERESTS   (opens in a new window) for Parish Councillors in this area.  The Register may also be inspected at the Cotswold District Council offices at Trinity Road, Cirencester, during normal office hours.


The Parish Council’s financial information page, accessed via the link above, contains the documentation we are legally required to publish. Each year, members of the public are able to view and comment on Parish Council Accounts during a 30 working day period which must include the first 10 working days of July.

The Public Inspection Period for 2023runs from 1 July to 11 August 2023 inclusive.


The Parish Council provides an annual report mid-year, covering the major achievements and actions undertaken each year on behalf of residents in the Parish. Below is a link to these publications. Each will open in a new window.


Sapperton CofE Primary School Annual Report to Parish Council


Sapperton CofE Primary School Annual Report to Parish Council


Sapperton Parish Council Annual Report 2020

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Annual Report for 2020 spanned 18 months to December 2020. At the time of drafting, Sapperton Church of England Primary School was closed and as such no report from the Head Teacher or Governors was sought.


Sapperton Parish Council Annual Report 2019

The Head Teacher of Sapperton Church of England School and Nicholas Parsons, as Cotswold District Councillor for Ermin Ward, both provided a short report to the Annual Parish Council Meeting which was held in May 2019.  Links to both these reports are included in the Annual Report above, but are also available to view via the links below which will open in new windows.

Head Teachers Report – Sapperton Church of England School 2019

CDC Ermin Ward Councillor Nicholas Parsons Report – Spring 2019


Anyone can make a comment on a planning application. You can view all planning applications made in our Parish or any other part of the District online on the . It is easy to use and you do not need to register to look at or comment on an application. But if you do register, you can receive updates by email on all planning applications in selected areas as they are submitted.

The Parish Council is a Statutory Consultee on planning applications which means we have the right to be consulted by Cotswold District Council about planning applications submitted in our area. We rely on local knowledge when considering these at Parish Council Meetings so if you have a view or comment to make on a current planning application, please let us know, as representing the views of the community is a significant part of our role.

Below is a link to the Planning Guide for Parishes and Residents, a useful resource compiled by Cotswold District Council.



The Policy Documents page provides links to policy relevant to the business of running the Parish Council. It includes local and national level legislation, plans and policy documents especially those that relate specifically to the local area.