Cotswold District Local Plan 2011-31
Following the adoption of the Cotswold District Local Plan (2011-31) on 3 August 2018 the District Council has published an online interactive version of the Local Plan on its website.
The interactive Local Plan can be accessed via the District Council’s Local Plan webpage using the following link:
The interactive Local Plan contains the same policies and supporting text that were adopted by the District Council. These are presented in online format and are supplemented with illustrations and an interactive policies map.
Users of the policies map can zoom into their area to see any land that is allocated for development; is protected for a particular use; or is covered by another policy designation. The policy layers can be switched on and off and different base maps can be applied, including aerial photography and Ordnance Survey.
It is also hoped that this new interactive tool will assist public involvement and policy presentation.
Members of the public can buy a hard copy of the Local Plan for £15 (not including postage and packing). Alternatively, they can download the PDF version of the Local Plan or view the interactive Local Plan for free.
Anyone wishing to purchase the Local Plan can do so by contacting the District Council’s Customer Services team on 01285 623551 or by visiting Cotswold District Council at:
- Council Offices, Trinity Road, Cirencester, GL7 1PX; or
- Moreton Area Centre, High Street, Moreton-in-Marsh, GL56 0AZ.