A419 Closed Thursday 21 October – 27 October for 5 days excluding weekends

The A419 between between Cirencester and Cowcombe Hill will be closed for 5 days between the hours of 7am and 5pm from 21 October to 27 October, excluding weekends.

GCC Highways is patching the road in advance of a surface dressing treatment being applied to the full site in summer 2022.

Detours will be operating, however, if you are a local resident, please take care round the lanes as vehicles trying to bypass the closure will greatly increase local      traffic.


GCC Highways Letter Outlining Work and Detours 

GCC Highways has confirmed that work will begin at Cowcombe Hill and progress towards Cirencester. Further information will be posted here as it becomes available.

If you have any queries please email GCC Highways at highways@gloucestershire.gov.uk